Still Life Drawing: Composition and Light is crafted for adult learners aiming to develop or enhance their drawing skills through the focused study of still life. This course emphasizes the importance of composition and the manipulation of light and shadow to create depth, volume, and interest in still life drawings. Students will explore a variety of drawing mediums and techniques, with an emphasis on observing and capturing the intricate details and textures of objects.
Course Outcomes for Students -
Requirements - A curious and interested mind, no experience is necessary for this course.
Materials - All regular course materials are included, though students may receive lists of supplies if they would like to practice at home after the course ends. We do provide a sketchbook for students, but students are welcome to bring their own if they choose.
Note: this class is Sat, Aug 3, 24, and 31. We do not have class August 10.
08/03/2024, 08/10/2024, 08/17/2024, 08/24/2024, 08/31/2024
Participants must currently be 18 years to 100 years old.
Minimum: 3
Maximum: 15
Registration starts on 10/24/2023 and ends on 08/03/2024.
Please contact Cultivate if you have any questions.