Advanced Landscape Painting

  • Fine Arts
Kendall College of Art and Design: 17 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA
Jul 08 2024
Jul 12 2024
  1. Mon9:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
  2. Tue9:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
  3. Wed9:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
  4. Thu9:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
  5. Fri9:00 am - 12:00 pm (EST)
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 



"Advanced Landscape Painting" is a course tailored for elementary students with prior painting experience, seeking to deepen their skills in depicting the natural world. This class focuses on advanced techniques in landscape painting, teaching students how to capture the beauty and complexity of various outdoor scenes. Students will explore color theory, light and shadow, perspective, and composition to create more sophisticated landscape artworks. They will work with mediums like acrylics or watercolors, learning to blend and layer colors to achieve different atmospheric effects. The course also encourages observational skills and personal expression, allowing each young artist to develop a unique style. This class is ideal for students who are passionate about painting and eager to explore the art of landscapes in greater detail.


Some experience isrequested for this class, to assist students in their comfort and familiarity with the more advanced prompts and work. 

Materials Needed:

All materials are included in this course!


Class dates

07/08/2024, 07/09/2024, 07/10/2024, 07/11/2024, 07/12/2024


Participants must be 6 years to 12 years old when the program starts.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 3

Maximum: 15

Registration period

Registration starts on 12/01/2023 and ends on 07/08/2024.

In-person location

Kendall College of Art and Design: 17 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, USA
Registration closed.