This course invites young students to delve into the foundational elements of drawing through an exploration of lines, shapes, and textures. Throughout the four-week session, participants will engage in hands-on activities that emphasize the role of these basic components in creating complex and expressive artworks. The class will cover various drawing techniques, including contour lines, shading, stippling, and cross-hatching, allowing students to see how these methods can be used to enhance depth and dimension in their drawings. This class is ideal for budding artists seeking to strengthen their drawing skills and develop a deeper understanding of artistic composition.
Course Outcomes for Elementary Students -
Requirements -
A curious and interested mind, no experience is necessary for this course.
Materials -
All regular course materials are included, though students may receive lists of supplies if they would like to practice at home after the course ends.
10/07/2024, 10/14/2024, 10/21/2024, 10/28/2024
Participants must be 6 years to 12 years old when the program starts.
Minimum: 3
Maximum: 15
Registration starts on 07/01/2024 and ends on 10/06/2024.
Please contact Cultivate if you have any questions.